Our body is in constant dialogue with our mind. Through its movement in space, it gathersinformation and sends it to the brain, which then creates a representation of reality andacquires experiences and memories. Just as our mind, our body stores memories, data,experiences, and beliefs. So, our muscles remember, learn, and express their learningsthrough tensions, mo
Friedrich Nietzsche once said: "All virtues are physiological conditions; our most sacredbeliefs are judgments of our muscles... Perhaps the entire evolution of the spirit is a matterof the body.
In the context of leadership, we typically focus on the mind as the center of thought anddecision-making. However, an emerging and science-based perspective recognizes theimportance of mind-body integration in developing an effective leader and shapingauthentic behaviors, meaningful connections, and inspiring guidance.
In 1637, Descartes famously declared, "Cogito, ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am), placingthought and the mind at the center of our self-understanding and existence.
Today, considering new neuroscientific discoveries, we might say, "I move, therefore I am"to emphasize that self-understanding involves a more holistic view: how we move throughspace is a profound manifestation of our being and awareness.Therefore, greater awareness of our body and its impact on our thoughts can bring manybenefits.The body is not merely a vehicle for our brain. It is innervated with brain cells and can beconsidered a "distributed brain" that allows us to experience the world and relate to others.
Consider this. Have you ever wanted to change, understood a new thought, a newperspective, but in practice, remained stuck, unable to act with the determination you desire?
Often, this is because, in order to take action, it is necessary not only to engage the mindbut also to "mobilize" the body by becoming more aware of the experiences and thoughtsyou have incorporated into your muscles. This creates alignment between mind and bodyand releases new energy toward achieving the leadership and life you desire.
If you have read this far, you can understand how, in its incessant "dialogue" with the mind,the body represents an important ally in the practice of leadership.
Recognizing and understanding the interconnection between body and mind allowsleaders to develop an authentic presence, empathetic communication, and adaptability.Consider, for example, non-verbal communication: 98% of communication happens through the body. The body communicates more than words.This is a well-established fact. The body is the first thing we see; it gives us the first impression.
I'm not talking about physical appearance but about vitality, energy, and presence.More than what was said, we remember how a person made us feel. I repeat, feel.This feeling is conveyed not just through words but, as the verb itself suggests, throughthe entire energy a person emits.If all this is true, can a leader afford to be unaware of their body?
Body awareness is a crucial element in the journey of growth and transformation. It enables leaders to align their actions with their deepest values and intentions. By cultivating body awareness, leaders learn to recognize and interpret the signals from their body, both physical and emotional. This heightened awareness allows them to understand how their body 'thinks' and communicates.As a result, their actions become authentic expressions, drawing on the combined wisdom of both mind and body.
When the Body Is Considered in Leadership Development, You Can Move fromDOING to BEING a Leader
For leadership to be truly authentic and sustainable over time, it must involve a return to the body—a reconnection with the life and sensations that flow within it, along with the awareness of underlying tensions and automatic responses. Achieving this kind of leadership requires restoring inner balance through the alignment of mind and body and forging a deep connection with oneself. This self-connection is vital, as it forms the foundation for connecting with, guiding, and inspiring others.
Without connection, leadership cannot exist.
Without connection, there can be no engagement.
Without connection, communication fails.