To develop authentic and sustainable leadership over time, shifting from DOING to BEING a leader
The "Body-Oriented Leadership" journey stimulates both cognitive and somatic intelligence by immersing you in an experiential "universe" where theory and body awareness dynamics alternate to expand your consciousness and facilitate deep, lasting learning.
"Body-Oriented Leadership" dives you into the essence of interpersonalskills through different learning dimensions.
Interpersonal skills are in fact complex concepts whose deep understanding occurs through the engagement of multiple intelligences (mind, heart, body).
Leadership is not simply a set of characteristics and skills to be learned, but rather a mindset and a state that can be achieved through a development model that promotes both intellectual and intuitive learning. This means engaging not only the mind but also body awareness.
“ A body-oriented leadership development program invites us to see leadership not just as a set of cognitive skills but as an integration of mind, body and environment, that is, from an extended mind perspective. When leaders learn to harness this connection, they can become more effective and in tune with their team. ”
Herminia Ibarra